Clubs At Vic High

Most of the student clubs described below meet during lunch or after school on designated school days. For more information on any of the activities, please contact the Teacher Sponsor listed.

Club NameDescriptionWhere and WhenTeacher Sponsor
Astronomy ClubIt is a club for students who are interested in astronomy from grades 9-12. No previous experience or knowledge of astronomy is needed.Room 420 - Tuesday at lunch Jon Geehan
Board Game CafeSocial Club for kids to play games over lunch in Welcome room (Wed) and Room 100 on Thursdays. Our group is a welcoming space for students to come and meet new people and play a variety of board and card games. We provide a number of games that are provided by Ms. Iversen and other staff members, but we also welcome students to bring a game that they enjoy and teach others! Students can eat their lunch as they play, we play fun music, and there may even be a light snack or two available. It's a place to unwind put your device to the side, have fun, meet new Vic High friends from all backgrounds, and perhaps learn a new game in the process. Our main "rule" is that everyone is included and everyone is welcome! 🙂Welcome Room - Wednesday at lunch

Room 100 - Thursday at lunch
Layla Casper - Wednesday

Holly Iverson - Thursday
Dance ClubOpportunity to participate in dance tutorials and/or form small choreography working groups.Dance Studio - Tuesday and Thursday at lunchGrace Leigh
GSASpace for people of all genders and sexualities to come together to celebrate and organize.Welcome Room - Tuesday at lunchDani Mercer
Juggling ClubJuggling and learning to juggleIn the Concourse between the Multipurpose Room and the vending machines - Monday from 3:15pm to 4:00pmMark Sheremeta
Outdoor EducationExploring nature and experiencing the outdoorsRoom 126Greg Pitre and Niki Lukat
Read & Write ClubSharing books we love by talking about them, finding out about new books in the library, reading and discussing a title together -- and learning about writing contests and getting writing tips.Outside the Library - Thursday at lunchWendy Burleson
SOCASOCA is a safe space for students of color to come socialize and organizeRoom 320 - Tuesdays or Thursdays at lunchCarina di Menna