Literacy Assessment

The Grade 10 Graduation Literacy Assessment (GLA 10) assesses students’ ability to use critical thinking and analysis to make meaning from a diverse array of texts. It also assesses the ability of students to communicate their ideas. GLA 10 is not based on a particular course but on learning across multiple subjects, from kindergarten to Grade 10.

The BC Ministry of Education has implemented a Grade 10 Literacy Assessment that will be a graduation requirement of the 2023-2024

Graduation Program.

This assessment is a requirement for graduation.

  • The Literacy Assessment is a new provincial assessment and a graduation requirement for students on the 2023-2024 Graduation Program.
  • Students will write the assessment in Grade 10
  • Unlike the retired provincial exams for English Language Arts (ELA), this assessment is not tied to a specific ELA course. Rather, it evaluates a student’s literacy skills developed over the course of their education.
  • Results will be reported using a four-category proficiency scale and will appear on a student’s transcript as a number, representing one of the four categories (emerging-developing-proficient-extending).
  • Universities may be interested in a student’s assessment results, as part of the application process.

GLA 10 is delivered online and has three parts.

  • Part A (all students complete this part): Students will read several different types of texts (e.g. blogs, infographics, newspaper or magazine articles, social media feeds, and stories). Students will demonstrate that they can analyze and make meaning from the texts by answering a series of selected-response questions. They will then provide written responses to communicate their understanding.
  • Part B (students choose one of two options): After choosing one option, students will read a new set of texts. Again, they will demonstrate that they can analyze and make meaning of the texts by answering selected-response questions. They will then provide written responses to communicate personal connections.
  • Self-reflection component: These questions ask students to reflect on their experience with the assessment. This component is not marked.

The Grade 12 Literacy Assessment is a provincial assessment that assesses student proficiency in literacy. It is a graduation requirement and completed during students’ Grade 12 year.

The Grade 12 Literacy Assessment assesses students’ ability to use critical and reflective thinking and analysis to make meaning from a diverse array of texts. It also assesses the ability of students to communicate their ideas, or those found in the texts.

The Grade 12 Literacy assessment is not based on a particular subject matter or course, but rather on learning across multiple subjects from kindergarten to Grade 12.

What the Grade 12 Literacy Assessment looks like

The Grade 12 Literacy Assessment is delivered online in three parts.

Part A – Thinking critically about the texts

Students demonstrate that they can analyze and make meaning from the texts by answering selected-response questions. The Context for Critical Thinking provides students a lens through which to view the key issue, which is a broad concept with real-world implications. The Context for Critical Thinking frames the texts and informs each student’s written responses to communicate their understanding in a graphic organizer and multi-paragraph constructed response.

Part B – Going beyond the texts

Students demonstrate that they can analyze and make meaning from the texts by answering selected-response questions. An Essential Question, related to another key issue, provides a framework within which students apply their literacy skills. This key issue is different from the key issue in Part A.  At the end of the select-response questions in Part B, students choose one of two writing prompts that stem from this Essential Question. Students communicate their personal interpretation and insights in an extended written response.


Questions allow students to reflect on their experience with the assessment. This component is not marked, but highly encouraged.

Additional Information:

Ministry of Education Information Site

Sample Assessment (Print Copy)

Sample Assessment Key, Rubrics and Scoring Guide

Student Exemplars