Victoria High School Code of Conduct


“This Code of Conduct is intended to put forth the expectations of student behaviour, school rules and Greater Victoria School District policies. We, the community of Victoria High School, believe that everyone should behave in a manner that demonstrates mutual respect and an understanding of the rights and responsibilities of others. We promote a safe, caring, and orderly school environment that is free from all forms of discrimination, including discrimination on the basis of race, colour, ancestry, place of origin, religion, marital status, family status, physical or mental disability, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, and age, as mandated by sections 7 and 8 of the BC Human Rights Code.”

Members of our school community are expected to behave in a safe, responsible, and respectful manner during all school activities including breaks, lunchtime, spare blocks, travel to and from school, and while attending school functions including field trips and all extra-curricular events, and all school sporting events as both spectators and participants.

These expectations include but are not limited to:

  • Respecting the educational rights of all students.
  • Respecting the personal property of all those in our school community, respecting our school building and its contents, as well as property in our surrounding neighbourhood.
  • Respecting the right of every member of the school community to feel safe and be free from any form of bullying or intimidation.
  • Respecting that the school and all school related events are alcohol, drugs, smoke, weapons, and vapourizer free.
  • Wearing clothing and using language that is appropriate to a learning environment.
  • Engaging in appropriate use of school computers in compliance with school district Regulation 1300.3 Student Acceptable Use of Technology.
  • Adhering to the school’s Cell Phone & Personal Digital Devices expectations as outlined below.

Expectations for student conduct for younger students may differ from those for other students, as they do for students with special needs who are unable to meet expectations due to a disability. It is expected as students move through their high school years, they will become more mature, more socially responsible, and practice greater self-discipline.

Any conduct contrary to the beliefs outlined in our opening statement of purpose, including but not limited to harmful contraventions such as bullying, cyberbullying, harassment, intimidation, threatening or violent behaviours, is deemed to be unacceptable and contrary to our Code of Conduct.

Cell Phones & Personal Digital Devices:
A ‘personal digital device’ is a student owned device that can be used to communicate or access the internet, such as a cell phone, tablet, smart watch, gaming device, and/or electronic toy. For the purpose of this document, earbuds and headphones connected to personal digital devices will also be restricted.

  • Equity must be considered when using and directing the use of personal digital devices in a manner that is culturally responsive and inclusive. Accommodations such as access to a computer or Chromebook can be made for students without personal digital devices who may need access to the internet to complete schoolwork. The use of personal digital devices may support students with disabilities, diverse abilities, or medical needs as outlined in the student’s support plan and Individual Education Plan or other agreed upon plans.
  • The use of personal digital devices is restricted during instructional hours to facilitate focused learning and promote online safety. It is expected that personal digital devices are always stored out of sight and on silent or airplane mode to limit in-class distractions and interruptions. Students are expected to follow protocols set by their school and/or teacher.
  • The use of personal digital devices during instructional hours is at the teacher’s discretion and direction for the purposes of instruction and promoting digital literacy. Use during class time is under the supervision of a teacher who may incorporate critical dialogue regarding responsible and appropriate use of devices.
  • The use of personal digital devices outside of instructional hours is permitted provided the use does not result in a privacy breach, bullying/harassment, or illegal activity.
  • No photos, video, or audio recordings will be taken of students or staff without consent from the individual.
  • The main office phone at the school may be used to make and receive calls if students and their parent(s) or caregiver(s) need to communicate during instructional time.

Consequences for students who conduct themselves contrary to the Code of Conduct will be appropriate to the context, severity, and frequency of the behaviour, as well as the maturity level, age, and any special needs of the student.  Whenever possible and appropriate, consequences for breaches of the Code will be restorative in nature rather than punitive.

The school will take all reasonable steps to prevent the possibility of any retaliation resulting from complaints made regarding behaviour contrary to the Code of Conduct.

It is important that parents/guardians be informed when serious contraventions of the Code of Conduct occur.  When appropriate, District personnel may be informed. The school will cooperate with Ministerial agencies and police as required.